Hi Startup Enthusiast, Startup harus membangun dan menentukan strategi model bisnis dan strategi penentuan harga yang tepat sehingga memungkinkan startup untuk mengembangkan ide bisnis yang potensial, […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, The very rapid development of the startup industry creates quite tough competition for startups that are still just developing. Having a unique and […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, What comes to mind must be thousands of steps and a complex system when talking about prototyping. Whereas prototyping has many methods and […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, In addition to identifying and determining the target market, mapping customer segmentation is essential for startups. To obtain clarity of activities that are […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, Often startups are trapped and even experience failure due to not being able to determine the intended target market. At the same time, […]
Sebagai warga negara yang baik, salah satu kewajiban kita adalah membayar pajak setiap tahunnya. Tidak hanya pajak perorangan saja, sebuah bisnis atau startup juga wajib membayar […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, Legal knowledge and taxation in a startup are also often poorly understood and forgotten by startup founders, especially those who are just developing […]
Jika kamu ingin memulai sebuah bisnis atau startup, hal yang tak boleh terlewatkan adalah memperhitungkan perlindungan terhadap intellectual property. Hal tersebut dapat mencegah tindakan pencurian karya […]
Indonesia tak pernah kehabisan perempuan-perempuan inovatif, tak terkecuali di dunia hukum. Litani Rahma Sari atau yang akrab disapa Lita adalah seorang womenpreneur sekaligus ibu Rumah Tangga […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, Startup founders have to prepare ideas, products, and their team and need to take care of their business legal obligations. Often forgotten, the […]
Hi Startup Enthusiast, Startup harus membangun dan menentukan strategi model bisnis dan strategi penentuan harga yang tepat sehingga memungkinkan startup untuk mengembangkan ide bisnis yang potensial, […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, The very rapid development of the startup industry creates quite tough competition for startups that are still just developing. Having a unique and […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, What comes to mind must be thousands of steps and a complex system when talking about prototyping. Whereas prototyping has many methods and […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, In addition to identifying and determining the target market, mapping customer segmentation is essential for startups. To obtain clarity of activities that are […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, Often startups are trapped and even experience failure due to not being able to determine the intended target market. At the same time, […]
Sebagai warga negara yang baik, salah satu kewajiban kita adalah membayar pajak setiap tahunnya. Tidak hanya pajak perorangan saja, sebuah bisnis atau startup juga wajib membayar […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, Legal knowledge and taxation in a startup are also often poorly understood and forgotten by startup founders, especially those who are just developing […]
Jika kamu ingin memulai sebuah bisnis atau startup, hal yang tak boleh terlewatkan adalah memperhitungkan perlindungan terhadap intellectual property. Hal tersebut dapat mencegah tindakan pencurian karya […]
Indonesia tak pernah kehabisan perempuan-perempuan inovatif, tak terkecuali di dunia hukum. Litani Rahma Sari atau yang akrab disapa Lita adalah seorang womenpreneur sekaligus ibu Rumah Tangga […]
Hi Startup Enthusiasts, Startup founders have to prepare ideas, products, and their team and need to take care of their business legal obligations. Often forgotten, the […]